MKN Media Library
Watch our videos online anytime

MKN Media Library
Experience the world of cooking online

In our new and clearly structured media library we have compiled MKN's complete digital media which is now available for you to view. Look forward to diverse online seminars, appealing product videos and entertaining live videos which we have put together for you. These can be accessed anytime and anywhere, regardless of where the videos were posted first. This means you can play all videos without a social media account. Simply click on the requested video and you will be automatically directed to the relevant platform where you can watch it without having to register. Experience the entire world of cooking online.



All comparisons always refer to classic MKN technology, MKN predecessor technologies or standard capacities.


Video Categories

FlexiChef® Videos 

FlexiCombi®  Videos

SpaceCombi®  Videos

Corporate Videos 

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A live experience is more your thing?

Click here for our digital event calendar.


Digital Events