Ensure individual quality

The same high quality standard of prepared dishes has to be maintained 365 days a year.

Our solution

Intelligent Operating Systems


The head chef's expertise can be shared with the team using intelligent operating systems. This ensures compliance with quality standards.

The MagicPilot operating system is as intuitive and as simple to use as a smartphone.

Thanks to autoChef, cooking expertise is not only included, but also adaptable to fit individual needs.

ChefsHelp accompanies the user step-by-step throughout the whole cooking process, providing exact instructions, for example, about selecting the correct accessory and when to season a dish.

MagicPilot is the operating system used in the FlexiChef and in the MKN combi steamers FlexiCombi and SpaceCombi

Numerous automatic cooking processes

Thanks to autoChef, cooking expertise and numerous automatic cooking processes are included. Can be adapted to fit individual needs at any time.



Step-by-step instructions throughout the cooking process. This eliminates errors.

It's not only about setting the correct time and temperature – precise instructions for staff are just as important: what kind of seasoning should be used, which accessory is needed, etc. The head chef can just share his expertise.



Scan the code and begin the cooking process

Select and start the correct cooking process quickly and safely

Further solutions

to your challenges

Individual solutions for your kitchen

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