New Town Hall Hannover
New Town Hall Hannover
A public restaurant in the lovely Garden Hall and a staff restaurant in the unique vaulted cellar for the employees of the capital city of Lower Saxony. Head chef Thomas Volk and his team have to prepare around 1 000 meals for both these culinary concepts every day. (Note: approx. 250 meals are served currently due to coronavirus restrictions).
He's thrilled to bits about his new kitchen equipment and had a big say in deciding which requirements the appliances are expected to meet. The results are impressive: six FlexiChefs® of the newest generation and two FlexiCombis®. The FlexiChef® is now the absolute favourite appliance of the chefs in the New Town Hall Hannover. "The appliance's cleaning function in particular saves us a lot of work, and by that I mean unpopular tasks. The appliance cleans itself outstandingly and is immaculately clean in two minutes only. The latest FlexiChef® generation not only optimises the entire cooking process with its numerous functions, it also sustainably increases efficiency.
The combi steamer's automatic cleaning system makes work a lot easier for the experienced chef and his team. He can well remember the times as everything had to be cleaned by hand and is delighted with the time savings the modern system provides.
„We can go one better with the new FlexiChefs and achieve further improvements in quality and time management."
Thomas Volk, Head Chef in the New Town Hall Hannover
The kitchen team was full of anticipation and excitement about the new MKN appliances following the outcome of the public tender. They had already worked with MKN and had positive experiences with the brand. "We can now go one better with the new FlexiChefs and achieve further improvements in quality and time management. We're proud to work here. The City of Hannover is an excellent employer that has provided us with this great kitchen equipped with high end appliances," sums up Volk the new working conditions.